Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Space Shuttles Retire

NASA has officially announced that their space shuttle Discovery, as well as it’s brother and sister the Endeavour and the Atlantis, are retiring. What will NASA do with these old giant space shuttles? They could sell them but who would want a 27 years old, dinged up space shuttle with 150 million miles under its belt? Museums. There is a burning desire for museums all over the country. It would cost approximately $28.8 million just for “dealer preparation and destination charges” yet many museums can’t wait to get their hands on these three shuttles. The Discovery is expected to return from orbit on Wednesday, March 8th completing its 39th flight in its career with one last scheduled flight to it’s final destination making it its 40th flight. It is unknown where these space shuttles will end up but NASA will announce these locations on April 12th, the 30th anniversary of the first space shuttle launching.

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