Thursday, February 24, 2011

Democrats for Same Sex Marriage

In 1996, an act called the Defense of Marriage Act was passed in the United States of America. Thus, illegalizing the marriage of two person of the same gender. Ever since, there has been a movement to help re-gain equal rights for everyone in which the Democrats support and the Republicans oppose. Most Democrats support same-sex marriage such as Obama. Republicans on the other hand are foaming at the mouth over same-sex marriage. One Republican in particular named Mark Foley is extremely against same-sex marriage. It turns out, he was caught sending inappropriate instant messages and e-mails to under-aged boys and is homosexual himself. One of the messages he sent said “Measure it with a ruler.” I personally believe that same-sex marriage should be legal. Personally, I’m not a homosexual but I strongly believe that every human being has every right to marry whomever they want whether it is man or woman, love is love. Who is the government to say who you can and cannot love? Whether or not a man marries a man or a man marries a woman it doesn’t affect anybody else in any way, shape or form so why should it matter? If anything it’ll slow down the population growth. I firmly believe that same-sex marriage should be legal because it’s wrong to tell someone who they can and cannot marry. If I man can marry a woman, a man should be able to marry a man and a woman should be able to marry a woman. I obviously take the Democrat’s side on this topic. I think the only reason the Republicans oppose same-sex marriage is because they don’t want the public to know they’re gay since a handful of foaming at the mouth anti same-sex marriage Republicans have been caught red-handed in homosexual activities.

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