Thursday, February 24, 2011

Democrats for Same Sex Marriage

In 1996, an act called the Defense of Marriage Act was passed in the United States of America. Thus, illegalizing the marriage of two person of the same gender. Ever since, there has been a movement to help re-gain equal rights for everyone in which the Democrats support and the Republicans oppose. Most Democrats support same-sex marriage such as Obama. Republicans on the other hand are foaming at the mouth over same-sex marriage. One Republican in particular named Mark Foley is extremely against same-sex marriage. It turns out, he was caught sending inappropriate instant messages and e-mails to under-aged boys and is homosexual himself. One of the messages he sent said “Measure it with a ruler.” I personally believe that same-sex marriage should be legal. Personally, I’m not a homosexual but I strongly believe that every human being has every right to marry whomever they want whether it is man or woman, love is love. Who is the government to say who you can and cannot love? Whether or not a man marries a man or a man marries a woman it doesn’t affect anybody else in any way, shape or form so why should it matter? If anything it’ll slow down the population growth. I firmly believe that same-sex marriage should be legal because it’s wrong to tell someone who they can and cannot marry. If I man can marry a woman, a man should be able to marry a man and a woman should be able to marry a woman. I obviously take the Democrat’s side on this topic. I think the only reason the Republicans oppose same-sex marriage is because they don’t want the public to know they’re gay since a handful of foaming at the mouth anti same-sex marriage Republicans have been caught red-handed in homosexual activities.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Republicans

The Republican Party, also known as the Grand Old Party (GOP), was founded by anti-slavery expansion activists in 1854. The Republican Party had the 2nd most registered voters in 2004 with a total of 55 million voters compared to the 72 million Democratic voters. While the Republicans hold a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives, they hold a minority in the U.S. Senate. This party leans more to the center-right in the U.S Political Spectrum. Some of the previous Republican Presidents were Ronald Reagan, who increased the U.S. National Debt and dug a deeper for hole for Americans to get out of. President George W. Bush was another former Republican President of the United States. He as well dug a very deep hole for America to get out of. We’re currently still trying to get out of the mess he got us Americans into. The War in Afghanistan is officially the longest war to date that the United States has participated in, even longer than the Vietnam War and George W. Bush is to blame. The Republicans are out there to make the rich richer and the poor even more poor than they already are. They’re not out there to make America a better country to live in, they’re out there to put more cash in their pockets.

The Democrats

It is said that the Democratic Party has had "the lengthiest record of continuous operation in the United States" with approximately 72 million registered voters in 2004. While the Democrats have a minority of the seats in the House, they hold a majority of seats in the Senate. This party appeals to the majority of the public due to the fact that it is said that “The party has favored farmers, laborers, labor unions, and religious/ethnic minorities.” Today, it is said that the Democrats are beginning to favor more social freedoms, affirmative action, balanced budget, and free enterprise system. They are also working on a progressive taxation. Thus, boosting the economy but charging more money for every product. Today, the current president is a Democrat name Barrack Obama, being the first African American president and the 15th Democratic President to serve in the White House. The Democrats are mainly out there to help the majority of the public and make America the best possible place to live in.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pay Whatever You Please

In Salt Lake City, Utah, a 59-year old former acupuncture therapist named Denise Cerreta opened a small organic soup and sandwich shop in 2003 called One World Cafe. The unique part about this shop is the fact that you quite literally pay what you want for the food you want. The Denise says "I ask for donations" but doesn't expect any. If people feel like paying, they can leave a donation in an unlocked box at the front counter. Customers can either walk in and eat or place reservations for 1-hour time slots for each meal of the day. The store is run by volunteers, their work consists of many different things from sewing, cleaning up, or even yard work. Denice said "If the menu had prices, the range would be anywhere from $1 to $8, depending on the plate size." but it's not required. The owner stated, "It's funny that most people at first visualize a homeless person benefiting from the community kitchens. They do, but many people look just like me. Perhaps they are students, newly divorced, single parents, unemployed."

Community Service Booster Bill

While there's not a lot of agreement in Congress concerning President Obama's plans for the budets, a bipartisan group of lawmakers came up with a compromise. In April, 2009 this group of lawmakers encouraged Obama to increase budgets for community service funds. This is said to be "one of the most sweeping overhauls of the country's national service programs since the 1960's." The bill that was passed by the House has dramatically increased the size of Americorps, the government's largest volunteer organization(equivalent of the Peace Corps.)This $5.7 billion legislation has tripled the size of the service program that was originally proposed by President John F. Kennedy. It has increased the number of volunteer opportunities each year from 75,000 to 250,00.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chris Brown Begins Community Service

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Should All High Schools Require Community Service Hours?

Many high schools today require their students to turn in “X” amount of hours depending on what grade the student is in while other high schools require zero hours. Many people believe community service is a great thing and should be required out of each high school student. I believe if a high school requires its students to turn in community service hours, then it will help make the community a better place for everyone. If a high school does not require community service hours, I think it would be a great idea to at least offer benefits from turning in hours such as pizza parties, trip to great America, GPA boost, or anything they have to offer that can and will highly encourage students to participate in helping the community. Although students frown upon community service and hate doing the hours it’s for their own good. It will help better their community and make it better place to live in the future.

Shelter Inc.

My mom told me about this organization one time that is set up for under-privileged
children. It’s pretty much like a day car that feeds them, plays with them, takes them on field trips, and takes great care of them for free. One of their offices is located in Martinez which is where all the office work is done such sorting donations, creating flyers for events, etc. Their other office(the day care center) is located in Concord. I think little children can be fun and funny and I also love helping out underprivileged people so I decided I might as well give it a shot. The first time I went, I volunteered at the day care in Concord. There were many children from ages 2-8. They were all very nice as well as the staff there. I enjoyed helping out and playing with the kids so I decided it would be a good idea to help out Shelter Inc. more so I volunteered again. After a few weeks of switching back and forth between the Martinez office and the Concord office, I had contributed over 30 hours to the organization. I felt very accomplished for helping these children out and plan on serving many more hours at Shelter Inc.