Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Legalize It

On November 2, 2010, California will be voting on many things for the California statewide ballot with one of these things being proposition 19. If proposition 19 is passed, then it will make marijuana legal for persons of 21 years of age or older. This mean that the government would be able to regulate, control, and tax marijuana as they please, meaning people will no longer help fund the violent Mexican drug cartels and they  will be completely taken out of the marijuana business. This will be a huge blow to the cartels and will hopefully weaken the cartels if not eliminate them. If legalized, the government could put high taxes on this herb. Having said that, marijuana is California's number one cash crop which would dramatically help the economy in a time of need. If proposition 19 passes, the government will also be able to control what goes into the marijuana, eliminating all the bad stuff that dilutes it as well as any other drugs that may be laced with the marijuana from random drug dealers. Police forces are even for proposition 19 due to the fact that pot smokers are simply no threat to society. They could either be arresting a few teenagers smoking pot or they could be using their time more efficiently by arresting a thug that's robbing an old lady or even crack dealers. Marijuana and marijuana user simply have no harm to society and if Alcohol is legal, marijuana should definitely be legal as well.

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