Thursday, October 14, 2010

Earth's Resources Coming to an End?

Studies show, that two thirds of the planets resources have already been used up and if the planet's resources continue to get used up at the rate it's at right now, humans will be forced to colonize two planets in approximately 50 years. By 2050, Earth will "expire" because of a shortage of resources. Experts say that the oceans will be fishless, forests will be completely demolished, and freshwater supplies will become polluted. Not only will our seas, forests, and fresh water disappear, but scientists have noticed that many species have either become extinct or have been more than halved such as the tigers. Over the past century, the population of tigers has decreased by 95%. With the population growth, the population will jump from 6.5 billion to 9 billion people within the next 50 years and with the resources rapidly decreasing, it looks like colonization on other planets is our best bet.

1 comment:

  1. Justin,
    Every post should have a linked quote associated with it.
