Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Solar Energy More Affordable!

With Global Warming effects increasing, the human race must do something to prevent these effects. One way we can do this is by using solar energy. Solar energy is usually obtained solar panels. Solar panels take the sun's rays, and turn it into energy. Multi-megawatt photovoltaic plants have been built in Portugal, Germany, and many other places but it will take more than just that to prevent global warming. If we covered just 4% of the world's deserts then it would be enough energy to power to entire world without poluting the environment. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter has solar panels installed onto the white house but Reagan took these down 7 years later once the energy crisis/worries about foreign oil died down. Why doesn't everyone use solar energy? It's quite expensive to install these panels onto one's house but just recently, a solar technology company has plans to start renting out solar panels so it can be more affordable for people so more people will use this efficient method to create energy. Solard energy is a great way to help prevent global warming and now it's more affordable than ever!

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