Thursday, September 9, 2010

How Can Eating Hamburgers Cause Global Warming?

Studies show that dairy cows produce almost 20 pounds of gas each day from flatulence which means cows are contributing to global warming more than the pollution from cars in same area. When cows fart, they release a gas called methane. This gas has similar effects to carbon dioxide but the effects are 23 times as harmful as Co2. Does this mean we kill all the cows? No, but this does mean people should watch their diets a little more carefully and try to stay away from hamburgers and other red meat. In order to get 1 kg or beef it produces 34.6 kg.s of carbon dioxide. Staying away from dairy products as much as possible will also help prevent these negative effects since the demand for red meat and dairy products will be lower forcing the farmers to breed less cattle. This doesn't mean people should stop eating red meat or begin slaughtering cows but this does mean that cutting down on dairy products and red meat would dramatically reduce the effects of global warming.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is Nuclear Energy Worth the Risk?

In 2009, about 14% of the world's electricity came from nuclear power. Nuclear energy comes from things called nuclear reactors. These nuclear reactors make up what is called a nuclear power plant. There are many power plants around the world but mostly in America, Asia, and Europe. Nuclear energy is very efficient which means less energy is needed. The only downfall to this type of energy is if there is a spill then it's extremely harmful to the environment and the people around the spill. Once there's a spill, the nuclear waste can contaminate water around the spill which will eventually lead to contamination of crops and animals near it. Nuclear spills can cause genetic mutations and many cases of cancer to those who are near the nuclear power plant during the spill. Overall, nuclear energy is extremely efficient but once there's a spill it's hard to decide whether using nuclear energy is worth it or not.

Solar Energy More Affordable!

With Global Warming effects increasing, the human race must do something to prevent these effects. One way we can do this is by using solar energy. Solar energy is usually obtained solar panels. Solar panels take the sun's rays, and turn it into energy. Multi-megawatt photovoltaic plants have been built in Portugal, Germany, and many other places but it will take more than just that to prevent global warming. If we covered just 4% of the world's deserts then it would be enough energy to power to entire world without poluting the environment. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter has solar panels installed onto the white house but Reagan took these down 7 years later once the energy crisis/worries about foreign oil died down. Why doesn't everyone use solar energy? It's quite expensive to install these panels onto one's house but just recently, a solar technology company has plans to start renting out solar panels so it can be more affordable for people so more people will use this efficient method to create energy. Solard energy is a great way to help prevent global warming and now it's more affordable than ever!

Planet Earth Becoming Overpopulated?

Studies show that by 2050, humans will have added 3 Billion people to earth's population with the United States adding 100 million people alone. With the water and food shortages, species extinction rates, and energy crisis', the fate of man kind isn't looking too bright. World leaders know about this problem but decide not to address it. China already has a limit on how many children a family can have to keep the population down but it will take more than just that. If World leaders would address this problem then people would begin to do something about this serious problem so the human race can have a brighter future.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Banks no Longer Support Global Warming

Companies have been blowing off the tops of mountains in Appalachia to gain access to coal as well as churning out millions of tons of carbon dioxide to extract oil from sand with the help of many well-known banks. These are some of environmentalists' greatest fears when it comes to global warming. Since 2008, Wells Fargo alone has given out $78 million dollars in loans to support these companies but just recently, these banks are beggining to take a stand and put an end to these loans. Once these banks do this, the companies will no longer have a way to do these horrible things and the polution will be reduced greatly.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

U.S. Consulate or Maximum Security Prison?

In June 2003, the United States built a new consulate in Istanbul, about twelve miles away from the center of the city. This extremely well guarded facility was built on a solid rock hill to make it harder for any terrorists to get inside. If the terrorists somehow made it up this hill without getting shot by the many guards that surround the building, they will find it very difficult to climb up the bomb/earthquake proof walls that were designed to be hard to climb. All the windows and doors in the facility are bullet proof as well. In fact, this U.S. consulate is so well guarded, even birds don't fly over it. As Friedman said in his book, "One of the terrorists captured after the attack (on the U.S. consulate) reportedly told Turkish police that his group wanted to blow up the new U.S. consulate, but when they checked out the facility in Istinye, they found it impregnable." Although this Consulate is more like a maximum security prison, many U.S. diplomats are alive today thanks to the amount of security.

U.S. gas prices vs. Denmark gas prices

In 2008, gas prices in Denmark had reached nearly $9 dollars a gallon as Friedman stated in his novel. This not only helps out greatly with the economy but it also forces people to buy less gas. This will also cause people to either carpool, bike instead of drive, or even buy a more fuel efficient car. Americans have the tendency to drive the biggest gas guzzlers they can afford. Not only do these vehicles burn holes in their pockets with all the gas they eat up but they're also horrible for the environment. If America jacked up their gas prices, then maybe Americans would become less addicted to their precious 8 seater buses and stop polluting the air so much so we can all breath for a second.

Global Warming and Its Negative Effects

Global warming is the world's biggest issue in today's society. Like Thomas L. Friedman stated in his novel Hot, Flat, and Crowded, global warming is causing many problems such as energy poverty, intense climate changes, extinction of plants/animals, etc. It will take a lot of effort from many countries(mainly China and the United States) to fix this problem. France has already taken a huge step towards "code green" by using nuclear energy. "France gets 78 percent of its electricity from nuclear plants and much of the waste is reprocessed and turned into energy again." as Friedman states in his book. A few ways to prevent global warming is to carpool/drive hybrids or use solar energy. In 1979 President Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the white house to set an example for the country but 7 years later, President Reagan removed those solar panels once worries about dependence on foreign oil had subsided. Many americans are addicted to energy consumption, if we want our children's generation to live comfortably on this planet the whole world is going to have to start thinking "It is not just about lighting up our house; it is about lighting up our future."