Sunday, May 1, 2011

Internet Influence.

The internet influences citizen participation around the world. For example, when the people of Egypt were planning on rebelling against Mubarak, they organized every single strike and meeting viz Facebook or Twitter. If it weren't for the internet, Mubarak would still be in power to this very day. The citizens of Egypt could not have organized any of stuff they did if it weren't for the interenet. The internet also made it possible for the people to post videos of the horrific acts committed by the government and Mubarak's men. These videos help show the world how horrible Mubarak was which inspires other countries to help Egypt with their time in need. The internet doesn't influence people to act just in Egypt but it happens all over the world because almost everybody in the world uses the internet and it's a very quick, convenient way to communicate and keep people updated.

Even Jerry Brown's opponent wants him to win.

This political add is the single best advertisement in my opinion. I think it's very effective for many reasons. First of all, it shows Meg Whitman (Jerry Brown's opponent) addmitting that Jerry Brown himself made a great governer for the state of California. Not only does Meg Whitman point out how good of a job Jerry Brown did 30 years ago but she said that "Anything was possible back then" and acted as if California was in it's best shape ever...under the control of Jerry Brown. Another reason why I think this ad is so great is because Jerry Brown doesn't go out of his way to put Meg down or bring him up. When political candidates advertise by putting their opponent down, it makes them look desperate for votes in my opinion where as Jerry Brown simply stated a fact and let Meg do the rest. When Meg Whitman said that on live television she was pretty much digging her own grave.

E-commerce Taxation.

There are many issues regarding electronic commerce in America's society today. Electronic commerce consists of buying or selling products or services over the internet and it's very difficult to figure out how to tax these goods. First of all, when you order a good online it's not always from the same state as you. Say you live in California where the tax is over nine percent and you buy a product or service from Texas where there's no tax what so ever. Do you pay tax or not? If so, how much? Most of the time people would turn to the federal government for help but there simply are no federal taxes. Thus, making this problem very difficult to solve.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Government Censorship

The government censors many things all the time. They mainly censor things that show weaknesses in our country. For instance, you never see American caskets being carried out of a plan or truck. This is because it's demoralizing to the American citizens. Although the public doesn't want to see this it's important that they do so they can realize that this war is affecting us as well. The government also censored many things in the vietnam war such as our soldiers dying, coffins with American flags on them, and the horrible after effects of chemical weapons called Agent Orange. The government pretty much censors all the losses and bad things that happen to America. It mostly takes place during wars or acts of war such as 9/11. The government censors many things on the news and reports to protect the confidence of the people.

Friday, April 29, 2011

One accusation after another.

Republican's are doing everything they can to increase the pressure and struggle that Obama faces on a day-to-day basis. Donald Trump and many other Americans accused President Obama of being a foreigner in a desperate attempt to turn the public against Obama. This caused skepticism throughout the hearts and minds of many Americans. Once the public and press demanded Obama's birth certificate, President Obama thought nothing of it since it was a very inaccurate accusation. He then realized that many Americans weren't as smart as he thought they were and they were beginning to actually believe that Obama was born in another country. He then proved everyone wrong by showing them his birth certificate but they obviously don't buy it and say that the hospital is a faulty hospital. It's honestly completely ridiculous how desperate people are to bring Obama down and it's scary how out of their way they're willing to go in order for this to happen. What's truly ridiculous though is how people can actually fall for these false accusations and how truly idiotic some Americans are. These multiple false accusations have turned many people against Obama and that's exactly what they were intended to do.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Obama the Foreigner?

Lately, President Obama has been accused of being a foreigner multiple times. Donald Trump has been all over this trying to convince the public that Obama was born in another country. Donald Trump's accusations have turned many Americans against Obama and have made many more Americans skeptical about President Obama's legitimacy. It’s amazing how such a ridiculously inaccurate accusation can make the president’s job even more stressful. Any educated individual wouldn’t even consider to begin believing this rumor until there was proof but it seems that most Americans believe he is a foreigner and will continue to have that mentality until proven otherwise which is why Donald Trump made the accusation out of no where. He knew it’d turn the public against Obama and put him in a tough position. Although President Obama has to deal with a very tough situation, he’s been playing it off very well. It’s amazing how the public can be convinced to believe almost anything that is said on the news.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

United States vs. Nixon

During President Nixon's 1974 reelection campaign, Nixon hired people to break into the white house and rig the election so Nixon would win. Once he was caught, the case was brought to court. When the prosecutor, Leon Jaworski, demanded Nixon bring the tapes to court, he refused. Eventually, the court got hold of the tapes and revealed them but 14 minutes were missing from the tape. Nixon was eventually found guilty. I personally think that any president who does that should immediately be put in prison and should never be allowed to run for any political spot. Having a president who is willing to cheat just to get re-elected is embarrassing. The President of the United States should be a lot more honest and confident than that.